JULY 7TH & 8TH, 2023
Project in July 2023. A team of 30+ volunteers.
1711 Herring Avenue, Waco, Texas 76708
2 visitation spaces (the station room and the baby room), 1 observation space
801 Austin Avenue, Waco, Texas 76703
Downtown Waco Location (Multi-Story State of Texas Building)
4 visitation spaces (the rainbow room, long love room, interview room, and basketball room), 1 observation space, 1 dining room for visitations during mealtimes and snack time
The BDS WACO Journey.
After walking through the Child Protective Services/Department of Family and Protective Services office visitation spaces in Waco and praying for God's vision, Helen sensed the Holy Spirit saying that the fundraising goal for BDS WACO should be set at $25,000. Three days after full surrender of the fundraising for BDS WACO, understanding that God has control of all the resources, Helen received a call from someone who generously offered to match all donations up to $10,000! Just 48 hours after that call, the entire $10,000 was donated in one donation, meaning every dollar was matched. The $20,000 raised in 48 hours, plus the $5,000 raised in the couple of months prior, was used to fully refurbish the many spaces at two separate CPS/DFPS locations in Waco.
We painted, bought new furniture, decor, toys, books, art supplies, and organizational elements, and we were able to wire a brand new audio surveillance system through the ceiling in all Waco CPS/DFPS visitation spaces to ensure the safety of children.
Our main organization partner for BDS WACO was Isaiah 117 House of McLennan County. It has been a joy to work alongside them, becoming dear friends. Thank you to Jennifer Villalpando, Janay Morgan, and Sarah Miller for their support, connections, encouragement, and partnership along the BDS WACO journey!
On Brightening Dark Spaces WACO weekend, we had a team of 30+ volunteers serving alongside us. We rented a 26 foot U-Haul for moving purposes. July 7 & 8, 2023 were full of unloading, assembly of furniture, decorating, and organizing. A photographer came to professionally photograph the spaces and KWTX came to film a news-story to share in order to get the word out about our aim as an organization.
We were able to build many relationships with employees in the Department of Family and Protective Services though BDS WACO. We want to thank Staci Love for monitoring/unlocking doors on project weekend. In addition, Adrica Boffman has supported us every step of the way. There are many other employees we could thank. We are full of gratitude.